
  • Rav Avigdor Miller on Emunah and Bitachon by Rabbi Yaakov Astor

    Judaica Press

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Emunah & Bitachon

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Emunah & Bitachon Rav Miller's bold, straightforward approach sheds a brilliant light on the most troubling, thorny issues that confront us: the principles of Emunah and Bitachon (faith and trust in Hashem). His crystal clear...

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    Rav Avigdor Miller on Olam Haba

    Judaica Press

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Olam Haba

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Olam Haba Live life on a whole new level!We live in a world where our soul-instincts are dulled by the common culture. Creeping materialism and non-Torah values slip into our consciousness without us even realizing it, robbing us...

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    Rav Avigdor Miller on Tefilla

    Judaica Press

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Tefilla

    Get 7 tefillah MP3's FREE with your purchase! Rav Avigdor Miller on Tefilla! Of all the many hashkafah topics that Rav Miller spoke about, the subject of tefillah was, without a doubt, one of his specialties. Tefillah offers so many opportunities for...

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  • Rav Avigdor Miller on Teshuvah and the Yamim Nora'im

    Judaica Press

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Teshuvah and the Yamim Nora'im

    Rav Miller will open your eyes to the proper path to teshuvah! As the Yamim Nora’im season nears, many of us wonder whether it will be any different for us than previous years. We’ve all been down this road of trying to...

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    Rav Avigdor Miller, His Life and His Revolution

    Judaica Press

    Rav Avigdor Miller, His Life and His Revolution

    Rav Avigdor Miller, His Life and His Revolution Written by his close student, Rabbi Yaakov Hamburger, author of Shaarei Orah (Rav Miller's Hebrew mussar lectures) and editor of Tefilas Avigdor (Rav Miller's Hebrew commentary on the siddur).Edited by...

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  • Rav Miller on Marriage


    Rav Miller on Marriage

    Formerly sold as Career of Happiness. Revised and expanded edition — 20% new material Every Jewish home is a place of enormous kedusha (holiness). In fact, the marriage bond is a hint to each Jew’s spiritual connection above...

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  • Rejoice, O Youth :Enhanced Edition

    Israel Bookshop

    Rejoice, O Youth :Enhanced Edition

    Rejoice, O Youth! — Enhanced Edition An Integrated Jewish Ideology The venerable Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt"l reaches out to the heart of every Jew. In this three part Jewish Ideology Series he covers the integral tenets of Emunah and Bitachon...

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    Set: All 6 Ohr Avigdor Volumes

    Set: All 6 Ohr Avigdor Volumes

    volumes that are out of stock will be shipped as soon as we get them back in SET: Ohr Avigdor Chovos Halevavos Ohr Avigdor Hakdama Ohr Avigdor Shaar HaBechina Ohr Avigdor Shaar Avodas Elokim  Ohr Avigdor Shaar Bitachon  Ohr Avigdor...

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    Set: Rabbi Miller "Classics"

    Israel Bookshop

    Set: Rabbi Miller "Classics"

    CLASSICS SET Set of all Rabbi Miller's Classics (12 Sfarim)  5 x Chumash Sfarim: The Beginning -- Breishis, A Nation is Born -- Shemos, A Kingdom of Cohanim -- Vayikra, Journey into Greatness -- Bamidbar, Fortunate nation --...

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  • Set: Rabbi Miller 5 volumes on Chumash

    Israel Bookshop

    Set: Rabbi Miller 5 volumes on Chumash

    CHUMASH SET Set of all Rabbi Miller's 5 sfarim on Chumash.  The Beginning -- Breishis A Nation is Born -- Shemos A Kingdom of Cohanim -- Vayikra Journey into Greatness -- Bamidbar Fortunate nation -- Devarim The great gaon and...

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  • SimchaMinute  Volume 1 - PDF

    SimchaMinute Volume 1 - PDF

    A pocketful of inspiration! The SimchaMinute book is a collection of more than 100 inspiring, thought-provoking quotations from the popular SimchaMinute daily email. More than 10,000 copies sold across North...

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  • SimchaMinute 2


    SimchaMinute 2

    SimchaMinute 2   Almost 100 new inspiring thoughts from the SimchaMinute daily email   Paperback, 3" x 4.5"; 108 pages.

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  • Sing, You Righteous by Rabbi Avigdor Miller

    Israel Bookshop

    Sing, You Righteous

    Sing, You Righteous A Jewish Seeker's Ideology The venerable Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt"l reaches out to the heart of every Jew. In this three part Jewish Ideology Series he covers the integral tenets of Emunah and Bitachon that each and every one of us are...

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  • Tasting the Fruit of the Trees: Rav Miller on Tu Beshvat

    Tasting the Fruit of the Trees: Rav Miller on Tu Beshvat

    In this groundbreaking work, Tasting the Fruit of the Trees: Rav Miller on Tu B’Shvat, Rav Avigdor Miller explains how to utilize the fruitsof the trees to our benefit and why they are among the most unusualphenomena of the world.More than...

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  • The Beginning by Rabbi Avigdor Miller

    Israel Bookshop

    The Beginning

    The Beginning Bereishis The great gaon and tzaddik Rabbi Avigdor Miller, zt"l, takes his reader on a journey through the books of the Torah. He brings along his wealth of subject knowledge as well as his simplistic yet powerful style. Rabbi Miller's...

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  • The Megillos


    The Megillos

    The Megillos Rabbi Avigdor Miller on themes from Shir Hashirim, Rus, Eichah, Koheles and Esther Soft cover, 160 pages, 5x8.

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  • The Megillos (e-book)


    The Megillos (e-book)

    The Megillos Rabbi Avigdor Miller on themes from Shir Hashirim, Rus, Eichah, Koheles and Esther Full length e-book — 160 pages. You will receive EPUB, MOBI and (non-printing) PDF editions. Household license: share only with people who live at home...

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  • The Rav Miller Haggadah

    The Rav Miller Haggadah

    Just came out! Experience the Seder like never before! Rabbi Miller's teachings illuminating the text of the  Hagadah. Hard Cover. 300 pgs.

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