In this groundbreaking work, Tasting the Fruit of the Trees: Rav Miller
on Tu B’Shvat, Rav Avigdor Miller explains how to utilize the fruits
of the trees to our benefit and why they are among the most unusual
phenomena of the world.
More than testifying to the handiwork of the Creator, fruits remind us of
why we were placed in this world. When we eat them with this mindset,
we begin our life-long journey of appreciating Hashem’s kindliness and
making it part of our Avodas Hashem.
Enjoy these lectures in their authentic form. Join Rav Miller as he
describes his first encounter with an apple tree. Marvel with him as he
explores its remarkable properties. And taste the fruits of his lectures in
this inaugural volume of the Zemanim Series.
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Tasting The fruits of the Trees
Terrific book, well wtitten, good explanations on this 'minor' but important festival.