Let Rav Miller be your guide!
Rav Miller spoke about middos perhaps more than any other subject. He said that of all the battles a person has to wage in this world against the yetzer hara, the struggle to refine our middos is the most urgent battle we must fight. Not only is our Olam Haba dependent on it, but so is every aspect of our Olam Hazeh -- our parnassah, our avodas Hashem, our marriage, and all our relationships.
Now Rabbi Yaakov Astor has created another masterful work by collecting and adapting Rav Miller’s timeless words and thoughts on the critical topic of middos. Rav Miller’s practical, incisive approach never fails to inspire, and this book is sure to revitalize your understanding and appreciation of middos and breathe new life into your relationship with Hashem.
Author: Rabbi Yaakov Astor
Hardcover | 6" x 9" | 532 pages | ISBN 9781607634188