Detailed Lecture Index


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Lectures by Number














00-R Series

00-S Series


Connecting to Hashem

01 - Love of Hashem

02 - Greatness of Hashem

03 - Praising Hashem, Kindness of Hashem

04 - Emunah, True Knowledge

05 - Fear of Hashem, Service of Hashem

06 - Coming Close to Hashem

07 - Glory of Hashem

08 - Going in His Ways



Emunah & Prayer

09 - Know What to Answer

10 - Olam Haba, Eternity

11 - Bitachon, Trust in Hashem

12 - Shmone Esreh

13 - Prayer

14 - Tests - Nisyonos



Serving Hashem

15 - Chasidus, Prishus

16 - Learning Torah

17 - Foundations of Torah

18 - Doing Mitzvos

19 - Free Will

20 - The Yetzer Hora

21 - Rebuke & Instruction

22 - Teshuvah

23 - Suffering & Misfortune

24 - Obligation to Achieve Perfection

25 - Ways to Perfection

26 - Strategies

27 - Happiness of Life

28 - Happiness in Service of Hashem



Greatness of Man

29 - Greatness of Man

30 - Mind of Man

31 - Speech



Midos Tovos - Virtues

32 - Midos

33 - Humility, Patience

34 - Letzanus

35 - Silence

36 - Calmness of the Mind

37 - A Good Name



Marriage & The Jewish Home

38 - Marriage

39 - The Jewish Home

40 - Raising Children



Shabbos & Yom Tov

41 - Shabbos

42 - Pesach

43 - Shavuos, Receiving of the Torah

44 - Tisha B'Av, Golus Yisroel

45 - Rosh Hashana, Hashem's Kingdom

46 - Yom Kippur, Succos

47 - Chanukah

48 - Tu Beshvat

49 - Purim



The Jewish Nation

50 - Love of Klal Yisroel

51 - Greatness of Klal Yisroel

52 - Among the Nations

53 - Personalities

54 - History



Tanach & Sifrei Mussar

55 - Shir Hashirim

56 - Various Tanach

57 - Pirkei Avos

58 - Agadata from Perek Chelek

59 - Various Agadata

60 - Rambam

61 - Chovos Halevavos

62 - Mesilas Yesharim

63 - Chesbon Hanefesh

64 - Shaarei Teshuva

65 - Orchos Tzadikim

66 - Tomer Devorah






67. Miscellaneous



Hespedim on Rav Miller ZT''L

68. Hespedim on Rav Miller ZT''L



דרשות אין אידיש

69. Yiddish Lectures





E Books

ePub Editions

PDF Editions




Connecting to Hashem

1. LOVE OF HASHEM – 'אהבת ה

98. Loving Him

218. Righteous Love

276. With All Your Mind

440. With Both Your Inclinations

445. With All Your Heart

552. Kabbolas HaTorah: Love of Hashem

612. Those That Love Me

675. Learning to Love Hashem

750. Approach to Ahavas Hashem

E-238. Defending the Honor of Hashem

E-270. That Love Me and Keep My Mitzvos



2. GREATNESS OF HASHEM - גדלות הבורא

R17. Subject of Food

R30. Gentiles Testify

R32. Rain and Snow

R37. The Honor of Hashem

R44. He Created

R62. Eating Grass

R-66. Your Wonderous Works

R-68. Wisdom That Has No End

S-3. Creation of Light

10. Creation from Nothing

16. Spirit of Matter

43. Recognizing His Greatness

90. Your Works Praise You

96. Abraham’s Teachings

195. Wisdom and Kindness

203. Snow and Mann

224. Purpose of Sun

242. Light and Day

285. Miracles

357. The Sun and the Glory

394. Soul of the Universe

404. In the Beginning       1

443. Fifteenth of Shevat: The Fruit Testifies

453. Song at the Sea

459. Hashem: Concealed and Revealed

488. This Marvelous World

511. All Things Declare His Glory

539. 15th of Shevat: Fruit of the Tree

648. The Concealed One

708. In the Beginning       2

716. Greatness at the Dinner Table

773. Miracles and Nature All for Him

859. Fruit of the Tree (15th of Shevat)

E-239. Hashem Speaks In Nature

E-251. In The Beginning     3




R25. Shouting to Him

R54. The Light Is Good

1. Singing in the World

58. Borrowing and Not Repaying

59. Hundreds of Blessings

60. Prayer in Prosperity

66. Great to Help

71. The Gift of Clothing

156. The Light is Good

175. Leah and Yehudah

195. Wisdom and Kindness

215. In David’s Footsteps

252. Whose Words Are Heard

262. Song of Thanks

314. A Useful World

474. Thanking For Torah

497. Hodu

503. Five Worlds of David

550. It Is Good to Sing

682. The Highest Good

694. To Proclaim His Name

696. When Hashem Weeps

703. Repaying the Benefactor

774. Sing A New Song 1

789. Hodu: A Program for Life

804. Sing A New Song 2

826. House of Thanksgiving

875. Singing Lessons

885. The Harp of Seven Strings

903. The Song at the Sea

923. Purposeful Changes

961. Essence of Kedusha

973. The Harp of David

980. To Know Your Way in the World

994. Our Benefactors

E-43. Be Excited Over Me

E-46. We Live to Praise

E-71. Hallel

E-76. Foundation of All Foundations

E-126. Thank You, Hashem, For Giving Me a World

E-130. Let Us Rejoice and Sing

E-152. The Wine of Hashem’s Kindness

E-177. And Behold, It is Very Good

E-203. Love This World

E-240. Gratitude for the Days of Old



4. EMUNAH - אמונה / TRUE KNOWLEDGE - דעה

R1. Emunah

R41. Success in Everything

26. Kosher Revenge

84. The World Has an Owner

100. True Knowledge

141. Repeating Great Truths

184. The Wall of Materialism

190. To Know Hashem

207. Reward of Emunah

271. Tenants in This World

289. The Wilderness Sanctuary

377. Seven Days of Bereshis

449. Hashem’s Two Testimonials

565. Lest You Forget

601. Two Worlds

654. In Search of Truth

663. Recognizing Hashem in History

674. Hashem Is One

709. The Stone That the Builders Rejected

719. The Robe and the Curtain

721. I Shall Be

747. The Voice of Hashem

760. Ways of Abraham

765. The First Commandment

767. Gift of Miracles

793. The Hand of Hashem

808. Joy of Emunah

825. Greatest Word in Any Language

843. In The Footsteps of Abraham

889. The Reminders

920. To See Hashem

927. Six Principles of True Knowledge

951. Purim 23: Seek Hashem

975. Their Crowns on their Heads

E-31. He Loves the Loyal

E-79. Transforming Theory into Reality

E-85. Loyalty: The Light of Emunah

E-96. Learning Loyalty

E-104. Real Emunah

E-114. The True Holiness

E-176. Show Me Your Glory (Gifts of Emunah)

E-243. Steadfast





5. SERVICE AND FEAR OF HASHEM - 'יראת ועבודת ה

R26. Fearing Him

35. Supreme Services

122. The Mystery

137. Fear of Hashem     1

155. Studying the Makos

194. The Loyal

210. Alone In the World

232. Beginning of Fear of Hashem

269. Seeking Emunah

277. Service of the Heart

297. No Accidents

345.To Fear Hashem

385. He Is Looking

411. In Order to Know Hashem

420. The Mighty Hand

444. Fear of Hashem   2

480. Fear of Hashem   3

526. Abraham Appears

557. Test of Emunah

567. Hashem Made That They Fear Him

600. What to Acquire

636. World of Persuasion

647. Remember Hashem

651. Summoning Emunah from the Soul

686. Secrets of This World

718. Serving with the Mind

812. Uses of Prosperity

832. What Are Your Objectives

838. True Avodah

840. Wisdom of Fear of Hashem

851. Eating in Service of Hashem

958. A World of Yiras Hashem

960. Military Service In Hashem’s Army

E-4. Ten Commandments of Derech Eretz

E-25. Two Fundamental Principles

E-33. Cohanim, Nzirim, Secret Tzadikim

E-81. Preface to Being a Jew

E-99. We Are Here to Learn Yir’ah

E-110. Yiras Hashem is Happiness

E-124. The World Reminds us to Remember Hashem

E-165. A Nation to Serve Hashem

E-241. Learning Yiras Hashem

E-267. Remember Me




R58. Approaching Him

R65. Come With Me

18. Longing to Come Close

67. We Wish to See     (1hr)

136. Alone With Him       1

166. Five Kinyanim

248. Clinging to the Sages

317. Benefit of Solitude

322. When the Shechina Comes Closest

396. Noach Found Favor

428. Solitude Versus togetherness

476. Seeking Hashem’s Favor

494. Walking In His Ways

495. The Nazir

596. Coming Close to Hashem

622. No Man Can See Me

704. Coming Closer

713. Close to Hashem       1

798. Finding Favor

805. Nearer to Hashem

882. All for Hashem

892. Aspects of Rosh Hashanah

918.To Come Close to Hashem

985. Lost Souls and Found Souls

E-29. Seeking Hashem: Three Ways

E-30. The Heart’s Deepest Desire

E-140. Clinging to Him

E-264. Close to Hashem     2

E-266. Alone With Him       2

E-29. Seeking Hashem: 3 Ways



7. GLORY OF HASHEM–'כבוד ה

441. Lobbying For His Name

456. Our Happiness Is Hashem’s Glory

945. All Glory Is His

E-54. Honor Is Mine, Says Hashem

E-123. For The Greater Honor of Hashem

E-135. Honor of Hashem

E-181. Speak up for the Truth



8. GOING IN HIS WAYS – והלכת בדרכיו

R42. The Ways of Hashem

S-20. Ways of Hashem

19. Walking Secretly With Hashem

234. Emulating Him

286. Learning His Ways

656. Midos: Emulating Hashem

688. Kedusha: Resembling Hashem

796. Emulating Hashem’s Prayers

809. Thinking Along With Me

921. Those That Walk On the Path

996. Fruit of Emunah

1000. Thinking Hashem’s Thoughts

E-265. The Ways of Hashem



Emunah & Prayer

9. KNOW WHAT TO ANSWER – דע מה להשיב

R2. Evolution: A Fraud

R3. Esav Is False

R8. Age of the Earth

R33. Falsehood of the Nations

R34. Truth of the Scriptures

R72. False Arguments

S-1. Evolution: A Myth   1

S-2. Evolution: A Myth   2

S-26. Reply to Missionaries   1

S-27. Reply to Missionaries   2

2. The Refutation Is At Hand

7. Keeping Close to Hashem

78. Evolutionists Speak

82. The Facts Speak

97. Hoax of Geology

142. Notes on Evolution

197. Loyal Servants

208. The Opposition to the Truth

223. Contra Evolution

244. Archeology Testifies

416. Loyalty to Hashem’s People

418. Insanity of Evolution

454. Difficult to be a Disbeliever





10. OLAM HABAH - עולם הבא / ETERNITY - נצחיות

R12. It Is Forever

R35. The Afterlife

R48. You Take It with You

R74. Demonstrating Olam Habo

R75. Hashem and Afterlife

33. The World to Come

54. Posing For Eternity

80. Afterlife in Scriptures

119. Belief and Afterlife

157. Similes of Eternity

168. Gehinnom

245. Citizens of Olam Habo

285. Miracles

326. Yearning for Home

383. A Visit in Gan-Eden

392. Chanukah 9 and Olam Habo

422. Preparing For Olam Habo

435. Your Deeds Are Forever

447. Anger, Midos and the Afterlife

465. Who Merits Olam Habo

514. Happiness of Afterlife

530. Consolations of Sorrow

549. Preparing For Eternity

571. Existing in Hashem’s Memory

616. Olam Habo in History

691. Lessons of Gehinnom

745. Yearning for Olam Habo

768. Revival of the Dead

800. Olam Habo

819. Miracles Are Forever

844. Intimations of Eternity

861. Great Events That Continue

865. Parallels for Eternity

948. Be Ready For the Call

952. Forever and Ever

955. The Pesach Seder in the Afterlife

984. The Afterlife

E-35. The Book of Remembrance

E-37. Eternal Thoughts for Eternal People

E-61. Two Secrets of the World

E-67. Our Mourning and Our Consolation

E-69. He Desires the Prayers of the Righteous

E-77. The Living Soul

E-87. Investing in Eternity

E-92. The Eternal Mind

E-108. Let Me Live Forever

E-136. The Body: Partner of the Soul

E-198. On the Way to Eternity

E-208. Glimpses into Olam Habo

E-260. You Act Forever



11. TRUST IN HASHEM / בטחון

032 - Bitachon.mp3

047 - Reliance on Hashem.mp3

169 - Guiding the Footsteps.mp3

221 - Bitachon 1.mp3

241 - Bitachon and Hishtadlus.mp3

334 - Bitachon and Emunah.mp3

466 - Introduction to Bitachon.mp3

472 - Reward of Bitachon.mp3

486 - Bitachon -- from Nowhere Comes My Help.mp3

562 - Bitachon 2.mp3

583 - Shemoneh Esrai 15 -- Riva Riveinu.mp3

794 - Bitachon and the Calm Mind.mp3

937 - Aspects of Bitachon.mp3

946 - Three Aspects of Bitachon.mp3

S010 - Bitachon 3.mp3

S011 - Bitachon 4.mp3

S012 - Bitachon 5.mp3

S013 - Bitachon 6.mp3



12. SHMONE ESREH – שמונה עשרה

60. Prayer in Prosperity

267. Shmone Esreh       1

280. Shmone Esreh       2

293. Shmone Esreh       3

337. Shmone Esreh       4

348. Shmone Esreh       5

364. Shmone Esreh 6: We Say “Kedusha”

370. Shmone Esreh       7

382. Shmone Esreh       8

457. Shmone Esreh       9

470. Shmone Esreh       10

493. Shmone Esreh       11

523. Shmone Esreh       12

560. Shmone Esreh 13: Teshuvah

568. Shmone Esreh       14

583. Shmone Esreh       15

591. Shmone Esreh       16

595. Shmone Esreh 17

668. Shmone Esreh 18

720. Shmone Esreh 19: In The Midst of

The Bnei Yisroel

853. Shmone Esreh 20: People Are our


908. Shmone Esreh 21: Gathering the Exile

965. Shmone Esreh 22: Our Leaders of Old

987. Shmone Esreh 23

E-113. Shmone Esreh 24

E-139. Shmone Esreh 25



13. PRAYER - תפלה

R15. Prayers of the Perfect

R55. The Childless Righteous

60. Prayer in Prosperity.

108. For What to Pray

135. Calling in Truth

300. Power of Prayer

555. Wine of Prayer

864. Seven Objectives of Tfilah

962. Urgency of Tfilah

E-91. Man of Tfilah

E-201. Fundamental Principles



14. TESTS - נסיונות

R18. Great by Ordeal

R39. Your Fellowman’s Property

R47. The Great Have Enemies

R51. Tests of Deception

S-8. Falsehood and Truth

8. The Wicked Make us Great

28. Adams Ordeal

62. A Season for Everything

149. He Makes Darkness

151. Test of Life

170. Improving the Virtuous

171. Night Comes First

188. Lure of the Soil

198. The Eyes Mislead

273. Stolen Waters

311. Darkness of the Time

413. Test of Abundance

426. When Hashem Smiles

538. Who Desire Life?

553. Tolerating Insult

582. Seeing Through the Darkness

594. A World of Tests

597. Avoiding Pitfalls

602. Truth or Error

699. Overcoming the Barriers

807. The Righteous Inherit the Earth

813. The Eyes Perceive and Deceive

848. The Greatest Test of All

969. Tests and Stimulants from Words of

       The Sages

E-65. The World Diverts the Mind

E-134. Know Yourself

E-144. We Are Being Tested

E-196. Recognize Your Motivations

E-217. Seeing In the Dark

E-233. The Righteous Walk in Them



Serving Hashem

15. CHASIDUS / PRISHUS – חסידות ופרישות

R46. Seizing a Dogs Ear

319. Despising This World

368. Towards the City of Perfection

584. Beyond the Line of Duty   1

929. Holy Shall You Be

974. Beyond the Line of Duty   2

E-16. Preface to Chassidus

E-180. The Pillar of the World

E-154. Pursuing the Substitutes



16. LEARNING TORAH – לימוד התורה

S-14. Like A Fish of the Sea

263. Life of the Wise

390. Jacob Sits in the Tents

477. The Talmud



17. FOUNDATIONS OF TORAH - יסודי התורה

S-23. Truth of Torah

114. Oral Law

120. Guideline to Torah

121. Torah Leadership

199. World and Torah

330. Avrohom and Moshe:

Two Books of Torah

376. Counsel of Torah

525. Breshis: Preparing For Torah

757. Axis of the Torah

839. The Axis of the Torah

860. Preface to Torah

E-20. Principles of Torah

E-32. Preface to Torah

E-84. Seven Torah Principles     1

E-86. Seven Torah Principles     2



18. DOING MITZVOS – מצות

R43. Reasons for Mitzvos

R67. Blindness of Familiarity

34. Rabbinical Ordinances

70. Intent

313. Mitzvos and the Body

563. Great and Easy Mitzvos

625. Perfecting the Mitzvos

874. A Nation of Self Control



19. FREE WILL - בחירה

R11. Free Will

R64. Guarding the Free Will

S-19. Tests of Free Will

165. Guarding the Free Will

212. At Someone’s Table

354. Prophecy and Free Will

372. Free Will and Emunah

458. Free Will of Man

469. Curbing the Free Will

479. Nature Versus Free Will

531. Free Will and Yetzer Hora

650. The Gift of Free Will

693. Happiness of Free Will

710. The Free Man

744. Restricting the Free Will

769. Lamp of Free Will

841. Choose Life

862. Activating the Free Will

878. Choosing Priorities

916. Free Will and Compulsion

949. Choose Happiness

998. Free Will to Serve Hashem

E-6. A Youth’s Ladder to Greatness

E-23. Chief Function of Life

E-26. Activating the Free Will

E-162. Living with Choice

E-148. To Exercise the Free Will

E-209. Acting with Free Will

E-218. Choose the Good and the Right



20. THE YETZER HORA – יצר הרע

27. Wiles of the Yetzer Hora

72. Making Light into Darkness

107. The Enemy Within

167. Be Not Wiser Than Hashem

201. The Battle and the Weapons

247. Beautifying the Beautiful

303. The Yetzer Hora

386. The Battle, Not the Victory

423. Youth and Yetzer Hora

434. Do Not Be Sidetracked

498. Recognizing the Yetzer Hora

512. In The Sea of Imagination

531. Free Will and Yetzer Hora

548. Satan the Helper

726. Battling the Great Opponent

737. The Battle Against Deception

741. Firing up The Yetzer Tov

766. Fighting One’s Nature

784. The Great Opponent

788. Contending With the Yetzer Hora

830. The Copper Snake

856. The Yetzer Tov

890. Battle Against Materialism

907. The Battle for the Mind

940. The Two Tests

979. Nature Versus Man

E-8. The Battle for the Mind

E-78. And Conquer It

E-89. Breaking the Barriers

E-90. Ten Condiments for the Yetzer Hora

E-103. Removing Chometz from the Soul

E-119. Seven Names of the Yetzer Hora

E-121. The Great Opponent

E-193. Resisting the Yetzer Hora




R20. I Am Joseph

R-50. The Importance of Guidance

24. A Career of Listening

111. Prophecy and Chastisement

117. Youth and Prejudice

143. Chastisement

202. Sweetness of Chastisement

206. Speaking Up

211. Hear O Israel

375. Reproof -The Way of Life

417. Doing Kindness to Yourself

492. Rebuke of Happiness

537. The Mussar Movement

629. With Whom You Associate

681. Blessings of Discipline

831. Listening to the N’Viim

931. How Does Hashem Regard Us

995. Pressing the Good Grapes

E-45. The True Truth

E-47. Priceless Lessons

E-70. Priceless Remorse

E-129. Hishamru! Be On Guard

E-134. Know Yourself

E-137. Listen to the Voice of the Yetzer Tov

E-172. Be Kind to Yourself

E-181. Speak up for the Truth

E-204. Searching the Soul

E-231. And Put Our Lot with Them



22. TESHUVAH - תשובה

R7. Taking a Hint

17. Repenting In Happiness

332. Under Good Influence

358. Searching Ones Ways

381. The Witness

450. The Tongue: The Last Day of Judgment

524. Easy Road to Teshuvah

531. Free Will and Yetzer Hora

560. Shmone Esreh 13: Teshuvah

561. Midsummer Teshuvah

566. Had We Not Erred

608. Gift of Teshuvah

610. The Great Ones

661. Sinning Against Yourself

842. Return to Hashem

970. Wholesale Sins and Mitzvos

E-123. For the Greater Honor of Hashem

E-160. Repenting in Happiness

E-249. On The Road to Hashem




R24. Good Misfortune

R27. Supporting the Fallers

R28. Kind Misfortunes

R47. The Great Have Enemies

R-57. Learning from Calamity

R-76. In The Evening Do Not Rest

S-18. Rescued From Gehinom

29. Privilege of Persecution

39. Torah of Suffering

103. Poverty

164. Better with Difficulty

275. Gift of Affliction

329. Bowing Adversity

343. The Best Is the Worst

363. Success in Suffering

405. Chovos Halvovos 3: Misfortunes

433. Benefit of Misfortune, Substitutes for Misfortune

520. Looking Back: Messages from Hashem

553. Tolerating Insult

576. Gift of Difficulty

578. Accepting Affliction

655. Sweetness of Affliction

712. The Gift of Opponents

786. Success by Adversity

790. Looking Back in Joy

810. Substitute for Suffering

872. Consolations and Meditations

900. Greatness in the Midst of Difficulty

989. Gift of Opposition

E-52. The Salt of Life

E-55. Your Bchor You Redeemed

E-167. Happy Misfortunes




R6. Evening of Life

R9. Growing Old

R16. Better Late

R31. Hurry to Learn!

S-9. Seeking Glory

S-7. Preparing in the Lobby

S-25. Purpose of Life

15. The End Is Important

21. Hashem Chooses the Best

49. Pursuing Reel Money

61. Counting the Days

95. The Time Is Now

139. Joined to the Living

178. To Be What We Could Be

205. He Should Have Learned

239. World of Parables

255. Hurry to Improve

284. As Long As the Candle Burns

321. One Minute of Life

361. Greatness in Little Episodes

384. Career of Aspirations

424. Climbing the Mountain

467. Don’t Stand Still

489. You Are My Witness

490. You Live But Once

499. In the Way You Wish to Go

521. Cultivate Your Field

580. A World for Learning

581. A Mission in Life

628. It Begins In the Home

631. The Instinct of Achieving

637. Do Not Waste

644. Craving for Kavod

649. Be Selfish

715. Desire the Unattainable

729. Craving for Glory

736. The Drive to Perfection

763. Achievement by Effort

792. Improving the World

817. Learn and Live

823. Today to Do

834. Legacy of Chavah

837. The First Step         1

846. Life and Time

858. I Am Important

873. Preparing to See the Glory

877. Cultivate Your Garden

887. The Eyes of the Fool

891. Pursuit of Perfection

899. The Instinct to Create

924. Created In History to Do

932. Hashem Desires That You Live

934. Me too

963. Functions of the Instinct for Glory

986. Best Days Are Now

E-1. Created to Do

E-7. History Is Today

E-15. Make the World A Better Place

E-34. The Craving to Excel

E-36. Learning to See

E-57. Utilize Your Era

E-63. Strength of Character

E-97. Ask For Life

E-111. A Career of Seeing

E-150. Before It Becomes too Late

E-156. Abraham Utilized His Lifetime

E-185. Always Doing

E-187. Tikun Olam: Improving the World

E-194. Living for a Purpose

E-219. The First Step           2

E-224. Earning Glory

E-246. Created to Do

E-257. Make Use of the Great Gift

E-259. Improving the World



25. WAYS TO PERFECTION - עצות לשלמות

S-21. Learning from Models

5. A Man According to His Praise

36. Prelude to Greatness

38. Opportunities

48. Career of Preparing

69. Blessed Coercion

73. Righteous Envy

83. Polishing the Soul

87. Golden Pennies

101. The World A Parable

113. Bargains

152. Utilizing the Moods

174. Learning to Live       1

180.You Shall Eat Bread

231.Service by Ear

266.Gateway to Greatness

323. Utilizing the Righteous

395. Blessing of Work

436. Eating For Perfection

455. First Rung to Ladder of Perfection

462.Hashem Plans Our Perfection

468. Starting Right

473. Man’s Needs: Three Blessings

489. You Are My Witness

507.Learning from Others

518.Starting the Climb to Kedusha

585. Five Points of Perfection

615. Learning to See

662. Greatness of Work

666. Learning to Live     2

667. Two Ways of Wisdom

670. Motivations to Serve Hashem

680. Preparing in the Lobby

690. Perfection of Difficulty

711. Tests of Perfection

706. Ten Easy Steps to Greatness     1

730. Ten Easy Steps to Greatness     2

738. Bringing Out the Best in Men

742. Learning to Live     3

771. Ladders to Excellence

781. Lessons to Learn

814. Listening to the Council of Life

828. Learning from Substitutes

835. Spending the Money of Life

867. Shaping the Soul by Acts and Thoughts

906. Cultivating the Garden of the Mind

910. Two Achievements of Life

914. Perseverance in Virtue

941. Flying Upward: Two Ways

944. The Blessing of Work

958.   Learning from Everyone

966.   Preparing In the Lobby

972.   Collecting Diamonds

977.   Seven Opportunities to Improve

E-6 .   A Youth’s Ladder to Greatness

E-13. Five Diamonds Per Day

E-28. A New Beginning

E-44. Ten Tidbits of Advice

E-56.   Always Doing : Three Ways

E-83.   Learning to Live Successfully

E-93. Ten Easy Ways to Gain Real Wealth                                

E-98.   The Three Paths of Life

E-116. Wealth of Achievement by Thought

E-143. Don’t Miss the Great Opportunities

E-159. Five Minutes A Day       1

E-163. Five Minutes A Day       2

E-170. Five Minutes A Day       3

E-174. Two Pathways to Perfection

E-175. Hashem’s Message in Four Ways

E-184. Opportunities for Achievement

E-195. Gathering Diamonds

E-197. Program for Salvation

E-213. First Step on the Pathway to Greatness

E-220. Four Ways of Doing

E-228. The Eyes: Windows of the Soul

E-235. Diamonds on the Road

E-236. Climbing the Ladder

E-248. A Program Effective Doing

E-255. Wealth of This World

E-261. The Wealth of the Mind

E-262. A World of Models

E-263. Lubrication of Life



26. STRATEGIES – תחבולות

23. Forestalling Trouble

41. Avoiding Entanglement

42. Keeping Ahead of One’s Self

57. Happy Is He Who Ignores

104. What Might Have Been

597. Avoiding Pitfalls

753. Miscellaneous Stratagems

762. Cunning Service

901. Learning the Stratagems of Life

938. Stratagems of Life

E-44. Ten Tidbits of Advice

E-62. Five Ways to Avoid Trouble

E-73. Nobility of Exteriority

E-145. Act Better than You Are

E-183. Freedom for Servitude to Hashem

E-214. Admiring our Models

E-230. The Artificial Man



27. HAPPINESS OF LIFE – שמחת החיים

17. Repenting In Happiness

57. Happy Is He Who Ignores

79. Happiness

127. The Rainbow

182. Happy Always

189. The Well of Enthusiasm

192. Sweetness of Life

226. Enjoying Life

261. Be Happy

371. A Happy World

398. The Fortunate

517. Happy With What He Has

529. Mitzvah of Happiness

569. Spreading Happiness

669. The Right Minded Are Satisfied

685. True Happiness

693. Happiness of Free Will

749. Fountains of Joy and Sadness

772. Who Desires to Live Happily

808. Joy of Emunah

904. Wisdom of Life's Happiness

949. Choose Happiness

991. Happy Nation

E-22. Make My People Happy

E-40. The Happiness Within

E-53. The Gan Eden of This World

E-60. All is Happiness

E-88. Enjoying this World

E-105. Strength and Joy

E-107. Happiness of the Good Mind

E-122. Eight Pillars of Happiness

E-125. Sweet Miracle of Life

E-132. Always Rejoicing

E-160. Repenting in Happiness

E-168. Prescription for Happiness

E-177. And Behold, it is Very Good

E-210. The Habit of Happiness




S-22. Joy for Learners

1. Singing in the World

17. Repenting in Happiness

237. Serve Hashem with Joy

274. Living off the Interest

338. Always Enthusiastic

693. Happiness of Free Will

761. Serve with Joy

808. Joy of Emunah

E-110. Yiras Shomayim Is Happiness



Greatness of Man

29. GREATNESS OF MAN – גדלות האדם

S-29 A Lamp of Hashem

44. Image of Hashem

88. Awake My Glory

235. Man and the World

283. Greatness of Man

318. Splendor of Man

378. Man the Infinite

438. Space and Man

540. The Glory in the Soul

705. The Beloved Face

723. Glory of the Soul

748. The Lamp of Hashem

802. Creating a Man

829. The Harp and the Soul

902. Beloved Face of Man

993. The Secret of the Soul

E-117. Garments of Glory

E-200.To Awaken the Greatness within Us

E-205. The Fountain Within

E-252. Man the Seeker



30. THE MIND OF MAN – דעת האדם

R19. Happy Mind

R29. Beginning of Wisdom

R60. Deep Waters of the Mind

R69. Beginning of Wisdom

9. Illuminating the Mind

13. Most Precious Possession

40. Pictures in the Mind

89. Wisdom to the Wise

123. Torah of Heart

185. The Easier Way

186. Guarding Your Property

225. Your Mind is Your Wealth

270. Depths of the Mind

360. Adorning the Thoughts

367. Which is The Good Path?

501. Furniture in the Mansion of the Mind

515. Precious Furniture

770. The Torah Mind

778. Virtue of the Mind

821. My Son, Give Me Your Heart

869. Torah: Seeds in the Mind

888. Reward of the Thinkers

895. The Treasury of the Mind

959. A Mind Full of Wealth

E-106. The World in the Mind

E-112. Dictates of the Mind

E-128. Gaining the Grown of Daas

E-153. My Son, Give Me Your Heart

E-158. Filling the Empty Mind

E-179. The Creation of the Mind

E-189. Torah of Common Sense     1

E-232. Torah of Common Sense     2



31. SPEECH - דיבור

250. Gift of Speech   1

327. Promise to Avrohom

431. Your Words Make You

471. Gift of Speech   2

527. Shir Hashirim 19: Gift of Speech 3

547. Utilizing the tongue

572. Tongue of Kindliness

641. Fruit of the Mouth

645. Gift of Speech   4

824. Tongue of the Wise

852. The Time to Speak

863. Career of Speaking

E-146. Speak While You Can

E-202. Career of Speaking



Midos Tovos - Virtues

32. MIDOS – מדות

R4. Living with Others

R63. The Stiff-Necked

S-5. Getting Along With Others

12. Perils of Humility

53. Midos: The Supreme Test

58. Borrowing and Not Repaying

81. Valor

126. The Grudge

154. Career of Encouragement

158. Better than Milk

216. Not Good to Be Alone

243. When to Yield

246. Prophecies and Names

312. Foundations of Midos

333. Satisfaction

341. Pursuit of Luxury

379. The Complainer

406. Derech Eretz

447. Anger, Midos and the Afterlife

463. Downfall of a Great Man

464. Circumspection and Alacrity

544. Midos: Whom Hashem Chooses

579. Midos: Finding Favor in Hashem’s Eyes

607. Cultivating the Midos

639. Justify or Condemn

656. Midos: Emulating Hashem

658. Working on the Midos

758. Test of Cain

801. Midos and Opinions

836. Gaining Glory by Giving Glory

950. Judging Your Fellow Men

983. Building the Personality

990. Character Traits

E-14. Measure for Measure

E-64. Utilizing Your Fellow Man

E-105. Strength and Joy

E-234. The Mitzvah of Optimism



33. HUMILITY - ענוה/PATIENCE - סבלנות

128. The Humble Ones

380. Emunah and Patience

412. True Modesty

429. Humility to Hashem

553. Tolerating Insult

588. Seven Aspects of Humility

664. Perfection of Humility

702. The Humble People

E-109. Patience



34. LETZANOUS - ליצנות

94. The Jesters

213. The Scoffers     1

216. Not Good to Be Alone

408. The Scoffers     2

535. Letzim: Opposition to Idealism

656. Midos: Emulating Hashem

695. The Sad Jesters

953. The Letz is Not Excited

E-17. Not With the Scoffers



35. SILENCE – שתיקה

R53. Great by Silence

S-6. Silence

57. Happy Is He Who Ignores

587. Silence

776. Service by Silence

947. Skill of Silence



36. CALMNESS OF THE MIND – מנוחת הנפש

6. Evil of confusion

99. Peace of Mind

301. Serene Mind

315. The Mind in Control

519. Shuvi Nafshi (Peace of Mind)

646. Mind of Control

692. Keeping Calm       1

794. Bitachon and the Calm Mind

E-166. Keeping Calm   2

E-173. A Life of Self Control



37. A GOOD NAME – שם טוב

177. A Good Actor

335. Achieving a Good Name

417. Doing Kindness to Yourself

425. One Thousandth of A Defending Angel

635. Getting Along With Others

659. How Are You Regarded?

785. Gaining a Good Name

879. Gaining Approval

931. How Does Hashem Regard Us

982. And Be a Blessing

E-48. Are People Pleased With You



Marriage & The Jewish Home

38. MARRIAGE – נשואין

216. Not Good to Be Alone

256. The Marriage Bond

389. Perfection in Marriage or Emulating Hashem

516. Eternal Sanctuary of Marriage

620. Ten Commandments of Marriage   1

684. Ideal Marriage, Tikun Olam

732. Gems from Mishle 2: Marriage and Successful Living

740. Holiness in Marriage

E-18. Builders of the World

E-50. Ten Commandments of Marriage   2

E-94. The Unwritten Ksubah

E-142. Seven Brachos of Marriage

E-147. The Wedding Simcha or Rebuilding the Ruins of Yerushalayim

E-188. Face of Hashem in Marriage

E-215. The Marriage Counselor

E-242. The Chosson and Kallah



39. THE JEWISH HOME – בית נאמן בישראל

133. The Jewish Home

397. Jewish Woman of Valor

574. Splendid Home

603. Rebuilding Sanctuary of Jewish Home

714. Sanctuary of the Jewish Home

764. Building the Bais Yisroel

967. The Home: Fountain of Torah

E-102. How Goodly Are Your Tents, O Jacob

E-171. Bringing up Children 11: The Holy Family

E-180. Purposeful Home



40. RAISING CHILDREN – גידול בנים

91. Bringing Up Children     1

183. Filling Up The World

254. Bringing Up Children   2

295. Inviting Guests into This World

369. Bringing Up Children   3

414. Bringing Up Children 4: Driving Rules On Life’s Highway

432. Bringing Up Children 5: Learning the Ways of Life

483. Bringing Up Children 6: Preparing For Life

541. Bringing Up Children   7

676. A Mother’s Tears

679. Bringing Up Children     8

827. Bringing Up a Child or A Child’s Savings Bank   9

880. Bringing Up Children   10

E-18. Builders of the World

E-51. Building The Nation and Building One’s Self

E-120. Nachas from Children

E-171. Bringing Up Children 11: The Holy Family



Shabbos & Yom Tov

41. SHABBOS – שבת

106. Preface to Shabbos   1

227. Preface to Shabbos   2

253. Preface to Shabbos   3

373. Preface to Shabbos   4

439. Preface to Shabbos   5

482. Preface to Shabbos   6

532. Preface to Shabbos   7

536. Preface to Shabbos   8

570. Preface to Shabbos   9

575. Preface to Shabbos 10

626. Shabbos 11

673. Shabbos 12: Oneg Shabbos

722. Shabbos 13: Day of Knowledge

751. Serenity of Shabbos

791. Ten Aspects of Shabbos

E-38.Blessings of Shabbos

E-101. Oneg Shabbos

E-190. Shabbos: Day of Ideology



42. PESACH - פסח


43. SHAVOUS/RECEIVING OF THE TORAH – שבועות\מתן תורה      

S-15. He Came Shining

30. Receiving the Torah     1

124. At Mount Sinai

220. (Preface to) Shavuos   1

268. What Happened At Sinai

291. Thinking by Torah

365. A Light to the Nations

409. Shavuos   2

460. One Person Accepts the Torah

474. Thanking For Torah

508. Receiving the Torah   2

552. Kabbolas Hatorah: Love of Hashem

598. Preface to Sinai

689. At Sinai

787. Sinai Receiving the Torah Mind

930. How We Came to Sinai

E-12.Together at Sinai

E-138. Jewels for the Beautiful Nation

E-141. The Most Happy Day





44. TISHA B’AV – תשעה באב/GOLUS YISROEL – גלות ישראל

52. The Keg and the Serpent

131. Golden Jerusalem

179. Purposes of Exile

229. David and Jerusalem

236. Dreamers of Zion

442. Hand of Hashem: Exile in Babylon

558. Delights of Days of Old

559. Rebuilding the Ruins of Jerusalem

603. Rebuilding Sanctuary of Jewish Home

604. Exile

613. Longing for the Days of Old

652. Thoughts of the Churban

653. Console My People

696. When Hashem Weeps

697. Good Days of Old

698. Peril of Habit (3 Weeks)

795. Waiting for Meshiach

833. Memories of Days of Old

886. At The Fathers Table (9th of Av)

925. Lessons of the Churban

971. Mourning for Days of Old

E-19. Why did The Land Go Lost

E-21. Mourning for Ancient Perfection

E-118. A Time to Remember

E-147. The Wedding Simcha or Rebuilding the Ruins of Yerushalayim






31. Hashem Is King

87. Golden Pennies

88. Awake My Glory

130. Hashem is One         1

138. Our King

425. One Thousandth of a Defending Angel

475. You Should Reign

520. Looking Back: Messages From Hashem (Elul)

522. Rosh Hashanah: Hashem in Nature

609. Shofar of Rosh Hashanah     1

657. Shofar of Rosh Hashanah     2

674. Hashem is One           2

764. The Day of Judgment

841. Choose Life

892. Aspects of Rosh Hashanah

893. Tehillim 34 (and Erev Rosh Hashanah)

978. Preparing for the Yom Hadin

E-27. Birthday of the Universe

E-28. A New Beginning

E-72. Hashem Reigns Forever

E-74. The Angels Gather in Judgment

E-155. Who Desires Life?

E-197. Program for Salvation (Elul)

E-201. Fundamental Principles



46. YOM KIPPUR - יום כיפור/SUCCOS - סוכות

89. Wisdom to the Wise

237. Serve Hashem with Joy

332. Under Good Influence

524. Easy Road to Teshuvah

614. The Succah

661. Sinning Against Yourself

756. The World and the Succah

803. Asking For Life (Erev Yom Kippur)

842. Return to Hashem

933. Best Day of the Year

E-160. Repenting in Happiness

E-250. In His Eternal Succah



47. CHANUKAH – חנוכה

148. Chanukah       1

150. Chanukah       2

196. Chanukah       3

249. Chanukah       4

339. Chanukah       5

340. Chanukah       6

388. Chanukah       7

391. Chanukah       8

392. Chanukah 9: Olam Habo

437. Chanukah 10: The Eternal Light

481. Chanukah       11

484. Chanukah       12

533. Chanukah 13: Hashem Guides                                                                                                        

623. Chanukah 14: The Shechinah

624. Chanukah   15 :Speaking Up

854. Chanukah   16: Secret of the World

896. Chanukah   17: The Eternal Lamp

898. Chanukah   18: The Taste of Life

942. Chanukah and the Perpetual Test 19

988. Chanukah of Light 20



48. TU BESHVAT - ט''ו בשבט

443 - Fifteenth of Shevat -- The Fruit Testifies.mp3

539 - 15th Of Shvat- Fruit Of The Tree.mp3

859 - Fruit Of The Tree (15th Of Shvat).mp3



49. PURIM – פורים

110. Purim 1 -- And it Was

112. Purim 2 -- Haman's Wealth

115. Purim 3 -- Suffering and Salvation

159. Purim 4 - The Banquet

209. Purim 5 -- And It Was

257. Purim 6 -- The Hidden Megilla

258. Purim 7 -- Mordechai the Jew

302. Purim 8 -- Power and Providence

350.Purim 9 -- Purim Today

353. Purim 10 -- Wine of Purim

400. Purim 11 - The Sleepless Night

446. Purim 13 - The Silent

448. Purim 14 - Wisdom of Esther

496. Purim 14 - Empires

500. Purim 15 - Ad Dlo Yada

543. Purim 16 - Preparing Knowledge for Afterlife

590. Purim 17 - Rejoice in Suffering

633. Purim 18 - All for Israel

678. Purim 19 - The King's Table

728. Purim 20 - On That Night

866. Purim 21 - Movement of Nations

868. Purim 22 - Lessons of Purim

951. Purim 23 - Seek Hashem

731. Lessons of Purim and Pesach 24

815. The Good Wine of Purim 25

816. Purim Forever 26

E-2. In Your Blood, Live 27

E-3. Purim: A World Upside Down 28

E-132. Always Rejoicing 29

E-268. Esther Rescues the Nation   30



The Jewish Nation

50. LOVE OF KLAL YISROEL – אהבת ישראל

R5. Loving the Righteous

R45. Appreciating the Yeshiva Man

R49. He Loves Our Fathers

R56. Loving One’s Self

68. Beloved Multitude

132. Love His People

140. Loving the Perfect

204. Loving His People     1

230. 15th of Av

306. Wisdom of Togetherness

344. They Loved Their People     1

416. Loyalty to Hashem’s People

528. Loving His People   2

554. Giving and Getting Blessings

556. They Loved Their People     2

611. Your Fellow Man

845. Praise the Righteous

870. Beloved Diversity of Israel

894. together With the Klal Yisroel

926. Utilizing Our Fellowman

928. Love Your Fellow

E-25. Two Fundamental Principles

E-75. Live to Love Your Fellowman

E-178. Loving the Beloved

E-199. And Put our Lot Together With Them

E-225. I Love Your People Yisroel

E-242. The Chosson and Kallah

E-269. I Love Your People




R10. Who Is A Yehudi?

R14. Iron Furnace

R21. Abraham’s Seed

R36. Wealth of Israel

R40. His Close Nation

R78. I Took You from Egypt

22. A Stubborn Nation

50. Chosen Beforehand

102. Good to Be a Jew

222. You Are Beautiful

260. This People I Created

287. Nobility of Diet

294. Blessed Nation

324. My Most Beloved Child

325. Beauty of the Righteous Tzadikim

362. Every Jew A Prince

374. Pride of Yisroel   1

393. Why Hashem Favors Israel

487. Pride of Yisroel   2

489. You Are My Witness

605. Pride of Israel       3

630. Who is Like Your People Israel

660. One Book, One People

672. Why Israel is Uppermost

700. Wealth of Israel

717. The Shechinah Rests on Yisroel

752. Adorning our People

775. Birth of a Nation

797. A Nation of Extremists

799. Hashem’s People

820.The Holy People     1

847. I Created This People

871. Iron Furnace of Egypt

881. Bileam’s Message   1

897. The Shechinah Dwells in Israel

905. One Nation in the World

912. The Holy People   2

917. Torah of Cohanim

956. Bileam’s Message   2

964. Counting the Bnei Yisroel

976. Eternal People

992. The Count of the Bnei Yisrael

E-49. Heroic Nation

E-131. Your People Yisroel

E-138. Jewels for the Beautiful Nation

E-149. Pride of Israel       4

E-161. The Holy Nation

E-165. A Nation to Serve Hashem

E-186. Excellence of Israel

E-191. The Jew: A Sanctuary for The Shechina

E-207. My Children, My Holy People

E-211. Miracles, All for Israel

E-245. And My Shechina Shall Dwell Among You

E-247. Greater Than the Universe

E-253. Fortunate Are You

E-256. Ashrecha Yisrael, Who is Like You



52. AMONG THE NATIONS – בין האומות

R13. Jacob and the Angel

S-17. Learning from the Nations

4. Shatnez and Azazel

109. In Exile

134. Jacob the Little

144. Solitary Nation

160. A Rose Among Thorns

281. Opposition to Am Yisroel

331. On Our Enemies Graves

359. The Tribe of Yehudah

421. Rosh Chodesh and the Moon

509. Lost Among the Nations

534. Nation That Dwells Alone

546. I Set You Apart

577. Keeping Away From Esav

643. In The Wilderness of Sinai

671. Three Dreams

677. The Campaign Against Israel

743. Redeemed From the Gentiles

855. The Kiss of Esav

883. Abraham’s Policy

884. Tehillim 129, or “Israel and the Nations”

940. The Two Tests

943. Success of the Medieval Jew

E-169. To Separate From the Nations

E-216. Freed From the Gentiles

E-258. Opposed By the Nations





R61. Yeraveam Ben Nevat

R70. No Prophet Like Moses

S-24. The Ten Tribes

S-35. Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua

3. Abraham and Malkizedek

20. Truth of Cain and Hevel

45. Shlomoh and Yaravem

46. Abraham and Lot

56. Shimshon

76. Eliezer

162. Seed of David

175. Leah and Yehudah

176. Yiftach

191. David the Little

193. Jacob the Last

200. The Prophet Shmuel

265. Shaul

272. Cain, Noach and Uziahu

278. My Servant Moshe

279 Judah the Lion

290. The Giveonim

304. Greatness of Shlomoh

320. Levi

349. The Navi Yonah

366. Rabbi Akiva

410. Hagar the Egyptian

461. The Navi Shmuel

478. Abraham

513. House of David

542. Hillel

632. The Truly Great

640. Abraham and Sarah

701. Greatness of Moshe

755. The Avos

857. Lion of Yehudah

935. The Good Boy

939. Jacob, Our Model

E-82. The Builders

E-100. Mothers of Israel

E-115. Tzadikim: Our Wealth

E-164. In the Days of Avrohom                  

E-224. Shaul and Dovid

E-227. Hizkiah, Prince of Shalom

E-254. The Man Who Changed the World

E-221. Chana and Her Son Shmuel



54. HISTORY – היסטוריה

R22. Hyrcanus Downfall

S-16. Movement of Nation

77. Perspective of History

153. Changes in History

172. Beginning of Holocaust     1

238. Falling Leaves in Torah History

288. The Ghetto and Its Breakdown

347. Beginning of Holocaust     2

430. Before and After The Mabbul

485. Links in the Chain of History

505. Hashem Manipulates History     1

506. Hashem Manipulates History     2

616. Olam Habo in History

663. Recognizing Hashem in History

665. Glorious Era of Torah Sages

687. Plan of History

707. Learning from History

739. Hashem in Charge of History

782. Stratagems of History

849. Bavel

876. Benevolent Catastrophes of History

936. Purpose and Plan in History

E-11. History for Our Benefit

E-24. He Rides the Heavens to Help You

E-82. The Builders

E-95. The Plan of Hashem

E-118. A Time to Remember

E-206. Spirit of Ancient Jewry

E-212. Hashem Is In Control

E-221. Chana and Her Son Shmuel

E-222. Shmuel, Last of the Shoftim

E-223. Shaul, Our First King

E-237. Reenacting the Great Events of History in our Daily Lives




Tanach & Sifrei Mussar

55. SHIR HASHIRIM – שיר השירים

14. Shir Hashirim   1

25. Shir Hashirim   2

51. Shir Hashirim   3

65. Shir Hashirim   4

75. Shir Hashirim   5

85. Shir Hashirim   6

146. Shir Hashirim 7

251. Shir Hashirim 8

282. Shir Hashirim 9

336. Shir Hashirim 10

346. Shir Hashirim 11: Meshiach

351. Shir Hashirim 12

352. Shir Hashirim   13

355. Shir Hashirim   14

403. Shir Hashirim   15

427. Shir Hashirim   16

451. Shir Hashirim   17

452. Shir Hashirim   18

527. Shir Hashirim 19: Gift of Speech 3

599. Shir Hashirim   20

638. Shir Hashirim   21

911. Shir Hashirim   22

282. Shir Hashirim     9



56. VARIOUS T’NACH – תנ"ך

A-1. Joshua     1  

A-2. Joshua     2

A-3. Joshua     3

B-1. Samuel   1

B-2. Samuel   2

R23. Tehilim 92

11. The Concubine at Giveah

63. Tehillim 24

147. Two Ways

86. Tehillim 146

240. Breshis   1

264. Ruth   1

328. Koheles: All is Vanity

305. Tehillim 30

233. Tehillim 122

525. Breshis: Preparing For Torah

589. Chumash   1

617. Chumash   2

618. Yeshaia   1

619. Breshis   2

586. Tehillim 34

621. Breshis   3

627. Breshis   4

551. Tehillim 147

727. Gems From Mishle 1

732. Gems from Mishle 2: Marriage and

Successful Living

884. Tehillim 129, or “Israel and the Nations”

893.Tehillim 34 (and Erev Rosh Hashanah)

915. Yehoshua   1

919. Yehoshua   2

E-221. Chana and Her Son Shmuel

E-222. Shmuel, Last of the Shoftim

E-223. Shaul, Our First King

E-224. Shaul and Dovid




Pirkei Avos 1 - אא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 2 - אב.mp3

Pirkei Avos 3 - אה.mp3

Pirkei Avos 4 - אח.mp3

Pirkei Avos 5 - איד.mp3

Pirkei Avos 6 - אטז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 7 - איח.mp3

Pirkei Avos 8 - בא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 9 - בב.mp3

Pirkei Avos 10 - בג.mp3

Pirkei Avos 11 - בה.mp3

Pirkei Avos 12 - בו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 13 - בט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 14 - ביג.mp3

Pirkei Avos 15 - בטו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 16 - בטז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 17 - ביז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 18 - ביח.mp3

Pirkei Avos 19 - בכ.mp3

Pirkei Avos 20 - גא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 21 - גג.mp3

Pirkei Avos 22 - גד.mp3

Pirkei Avos 23 - גח.mp3

Pirkei Avos 24 - גיג.mp3

Pirkei Avos 25 - גטו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 26 - גיז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 27 - גיז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 28 - גיט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 29 - גכ.mp3

Pirkei Avos 30 - גכב.mp3

Pirkei Avos 31 - דא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 32 - דד.mp3

Pirkei Avos 33 - דה.mp3

Pirkei Avos 34 - דז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 35 - די.mp3

Pirkei Avos 36 - דיד.mp3

Pirkei Avos 37 - דיז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 38 - דכ.mp3

Pirkei Avos 39 - דכב.mp3

Pirkei Avos 40 - דכד.mp3

Pirkei Avos 41 - דכח.mp3

Pirkei Avos 42 - דכט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 43 - דכט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 44 - דכט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 45 - הא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 46 - הד.mp3

Pirkei Avos 47 - הו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 48 - הט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 49 - הי.mp3

Pirkei Avos 50 - היב.mp3

Pirkei Avos 51 - הטו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 52 - היז.mp3

Pirkei Avos 53 - היט.mp3

Pirkei Avos 54 - הכא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 55 - הכב.mp3

Pirkei Avos 56 - הכג.mp3

Pirkei Avos 57 - הכה.mp3

Pirkei Avos 58 - הכו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 59 - וא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 60 - וא.mp3

Pirkei Avos 61 - וג.mp3

Pirkei Avos 62 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 63 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 64 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 65 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 66 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 67 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 68 - וו.mp3

Pirkei Avos 69.mp3




Perek Chelek 01 - 90a.mp3

Perek Chelek 02 - 91a.mp3

Perek Chelek 03 - 91b.mp3

Perek Chelek 04 - 92a.mp3

Perek Chelek 05 - 92b.mp3

Perek Chelek 06 - 93b.mp3

Perek Chelek 07 - 93b.mp3

Perek Chelek 08 - 94a.mp3

Perek Chelek 09 - 94a.mp3

Perek Chelek 10 - 94b.mp3

Perek Chelek 11 - 95b.mp3

Perek Chelek 12 - 95b.mp3

Perek Chelek 13 - 96a.mp3

Perek Chelek 14 - 97a.mp3

Perek Chelek 15 - 97b.mp3

Perek Chelek 16 - 98a.mp3

Perek Chelek 17 - 98b.mp3

Perek Chelek 18 - 99a.mp3

Perek Chelek 19 - 99b.mp3

Perek Chelek 20 - 100a.mp3

Perek Chelek 21 - 100b.mp3

Perek Chelek 22 - 101a.mp3

Perek Chelek 23 - 101b.mp3

Perek Chelek 24 - 102a.mp3

Perek Chelek 25 - 102b.mp3

Perek Chelek 26 - 103a.mp3

Perek Chelek 27 - 103b.mp3

Perek Chelek 28 - 104a.mp3

Perek Chelek 29 - 104a.mp3

Perek Chelek 30 - 104b.mp3

Perek Chelek 31 - 105a.mp3

Perek Chelek 32 - 106a.mp3

Perek Chelek 33 - 106b.mp3

Perek Chelek 34 - 106b.mp3

Perek Chelek 35 - 107b.mp3

Perek Chelek 36 - 108a.mp3

Perek Chelek 37 - 108b.mp3

Perek Chelek 38 - 108b.mp3

Perek Chelek 39 - 109b.mp3

Perek Chelek 40 - 110a.mp3

Perek Chelek 41 - 110b.mp3

Perek Chelek 42 - 111b.mp3

Perek Chelek 43 - 112a.mp3

Perek Chelek 44 - 113a.mp3




R59. The Foundation

S-28. Agadta, Shabbos

S-32. Agadta Shabbos, 31

S-33. Agadta Shabbos, 32 A

S-34. Agadta Shabbos, 32 B

S36. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

S37. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

S38. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

S39. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

S40. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

S41. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

S-42. Bamoh Madlikin, Agadta

129. Four in the Garden

228. Foundation and Root

298. Alphabetical Wisdom   1

299. Alphabetical Wisdom   2

342. Mesillas Yesharim 1: Sitting in The

House of Hashem

387. Shaarei Teshuva 1:18

399. Chovos Halvovos   1

401. Chovos Halvovos   2

405. Chovos Halvovos   3: Misfortunes

407. Chovos Halvovos   4

419. Chovos Halvovos   5: The Eye Hospital

968. Agadta of Bava Metzia




Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 1 - אא - בד.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 2 - בד - גד.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 3 - גד - גיד.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 4 - גיג - דג.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 5 - דג - הב.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 6 - הג - וה.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 7 - זא - חג.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 8 - חג - טא.mp3

Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah 9 - טא - יו.mp3

Rambam Talmud Torah 1 - אט - גיג.mp3

Rambam Talmud Torah 2 - גיג - דא.mp3

Rambam Yesodei Hatorah 1 - אא.mp3

Rambam Yesodei Hatorah 2 - Deos 1 - בב - דעות אד.mp3

Rambam Deos 2 - דעות אד - בא.mp3

Rambam Deos 3 - בג - בז.mp3

Rambam Deos 4 - גא - דכג.mp3

Rambam Deos 5 - הא - וו.mp3

Rambam Deos 6 - וז - זג.mp3



Hilchos Deos Different Version

E-009 - Rambam -- Deos 1.mp3

E-010 - Rambam -- Deos 2.mp3

E-041 - Rambam -- Deos 3.mp3




Chovos Halevavos - 1.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 2 - הקדמה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 3 - הקדמה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 4 - 'הקדמה - הבחינה פת.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 5 - 'הבחינה פתיחה - א.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 6 - 'הבחינה א' - ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 7 - 'הבחינה ג' - ד.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 8 - 'הבחינה ד' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 9 - 'הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 10 - _הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 11 - _הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 12 - _הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 13 - 'הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 14 - 'הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 15 - 'הבחינה ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 16 - 'הבחינה ה' - ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 17 - 'הבחינה ו' - עבודת הק.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 18 - 'עבודת הק' - ב.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 19 - 'עבודת ב' - ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 20 - 'עבודת ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 21 - 'עבודת ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 22 - 'עבודת ג' - ד.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 23 - 'עבודת ד.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 24 - 'עבודת ד' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 25 - 'עבודת ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 26 - 'עבודת ה' - ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 27 - 'עבודת ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 28 - 'עבודת ו' - ח.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 29 - 'עבודת ח' - ט.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 30 - 'עבודת ט.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 31 - 'עבודת ט' - י.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 32 - 'עבודת י' - בטחון פת.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 33 - 'בטחון פת.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 34 - 'בטחון פת' - ב.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 35 - 'בטחון ב' - ג .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 36 - 'בטחון ג .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 37 - 'בטחון ג .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 38 - 'בטחון ד .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 39 - 'בטחון ד .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 40 - 'בטחון ד.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 41 - 'בטחון ד .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 42 - 'בטחון ד' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 43 - 'בטחון ה' - ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 44 - 'בטחון ז' - יחוד ב.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 45 - 'יחוד ב' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 46 - 'יחוד ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 47 - 'יחוד ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 48 - 'יחוד ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 49 - 'יחוד ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 50 - 'יחוד ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 51 - 'יחוד ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 52 - 'יחוד ה' - ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 53 - 'הכניעה פת' - ג .mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 54 - 'הכניעה ג' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 55 - 'הכניעה ה' - ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 56 - 'הכניעה ו' - ח.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 57 - 'הכניעה ח' - י.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 58 - 'הכניעה י' - תשובה ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 59 - 'תשובה ג' - ד.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 60 - 'תשובה ד' - ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 61.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 62 - 'תשובה ט' - י.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 63 - 'תשובה י' - חשבון ב.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 64 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 65 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 66 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 67 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 68 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 69 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 70 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 71 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 72 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 73 - 'חשבון ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 74 - 'חשבון ג' - ד.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 75 - 'חשבון ד' - י.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 76 - 'פרישות א.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 77 - 'פרישות ב' - ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 78 - 'פרישות ג' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 79 - 'פרישות ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 80 - 'פרישות ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 81 - 'פרישות ה' - ז.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 82 - 'פרישות ז.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 83 - 'פרישות ז' - אהבה ב.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 84 - 'אהבה ב' - ג.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 85 - 'אהבה ג' - ה.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 86 - 'אהבה ה' -ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 87 - 'אהבה ו.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 88 - 'אהבה ז.mp3

Chovos Halevavos - 89 - 'אהבה ז.mp3



Shaar Habechina Different Edition

399 - Chovos Halevavos 1.mp3

401 - Chovos Halevavos 2.mp3

405 - Chovos Halevavos 3 -- Misfortunes.mp3

407 - Chovos Halevavos 4.mp3

419 - Chovos Halevavos 5 -- The Eye Hospital.mp3





Mesillas Yesharim - 1 - הקדמה.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 2 - 'פרק א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 3 - 'פרק א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 4 - 'פרק ב'-ג.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 5 - 'פרק ג'-ד.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 6 - 'פרק ד.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 7 - 'פרק ד'-ה.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 8 - 'פרק ה'-ו.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 9 - 'פרק ו'-ז.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 10 - 'פרק ז'-ט.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 11 - 'פרק ט'-י.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 12 - פרק י'-י''א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 13 - פרק י''א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 14 - פרק י''א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 15 - פרק י''א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 16 - פרק י''א-י''ב.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 17 - פרק י''ג-ט''ו.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 18 - פרק ט''ו-ט''ז.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 19 - פרק ט''ז-י''ח.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 20 - פרק י''ח-י''ט.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 21 - פרק י''ט.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 22 - פרק י''ט.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 23 - 'פרק י''ט-כ.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 24 - פרק כ'-כ''א.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 25 - פרק כ''א-כ''ב.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 26 - פרק כ''ב.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 27 - פרק כ''ב-כ''ד.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 28 - פרק כ''ד-כ''ה.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 29 - פרק כ''ה-כ''ו.mp3

Mesillas Yesharim - 30 - פרק כ''ו.mp3

342 - Mesilas Yesharim 1 -- Sitting in the House of Hashem.mp3






Cheshbon HaNefesh 1 - הקדמה - מנוחת הנפש.mp3

Cheshbon HaNefesh 2 - מנוחת הנפש.mp3

Cheshbon HaNefesh 3 - סבלנות - חריצות.mp3

Cheshbon HaNefesh 4 - ענוה - צדק.mp3

Cheshbon HaNefesh 5 - צדק - זריזות.mp3

Cheshbon HaNefesh 6 - זריזות - ניחותא.mp3

Cheshbon HaNefesh 7 - אמת - פרישות.mp3




Shaarei Teshuvah 1 - שער א' - ב'א'.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 2 - שער ב'ט'.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 3 - שער ב'ט''ז - ג'א'.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 4 - שער ג'ו'.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 5 - שער ג'י''ז.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 6 - שער ג'ל''ג.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 7 - שער ג'מ''ה.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 8 - שער ג'ס''ז.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 9 - שער ג'פ''ב.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 10 - שער ג'ק''ז.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 11 - שער ג'קל''ג.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 12 - שער ג'קמ''ב.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 13 - שער ג'קס''א.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 14 - שער ג'קע''ז.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 15 - שער ג'קצ''ב.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 16 - שער ג'ר''ז.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 17 - שער ג'רי''ז.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 18 - שער ג'רכ''ז - ד'א'.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 19 - שער ד'ה'.mp3

Shaarei Teshuvah 20 - שער ד'י''ב.mp3




Orchos Tzadikim - 1 - הקדמה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 2 - הקדמה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 3 - הקדמה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 4 - שער גאווה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 5 - שער גאווה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 6 - שער גאווה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 7 - שער גאווה - שער ענוה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 8 - שער ענוה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 9 - שער ענוה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 10 - שער ענוה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 11 - שער ענוה - שער בושה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 12 - שער בושה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 13 - שער בושה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 14 - שער בושה - שער העזות.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 15 - שער העזות - שער האהבה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 16 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 17 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 18 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 19 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 20 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 21 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 22 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 23 - שער האהבה.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 24 - שער האהבה - שער השנאה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 25 - שער השנאה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 26 - שער הרחמים .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 27 - שער הרחמים - שער האכזריות.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 28 - שער האכזריות.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 29 - שער האכזריות.mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 30 - שער האכזריות - שער השמחה .mp3

Orchos Tzadikim - 31 - שער השמחה .mp3




Tomer Devora 1 - 'פתיחה - מידה ד.mp3

Tomer Devora 2 - 'מידה ה' - מידה ח.mp3

Tomer Devora 3 - 'מידה ח' - מידה י.mp3

Tomer Devora 4 - מידה ט' - מידה י''ב.mp3

Tomer Devora 5 - מידה י''ג.mp3



67. Miscellaneous - ענינים שונים

R38. Living Examples

S-4. Disciples of Rachel and Leah

37. Two Sages

55. Esav’s True Role

64. When Low Men Reproach

74. Consulting the Sages

92. Guarding the Garden

93. Out of Eden

105. Population and Progress

125. Wrenched Sinew

145.Tower of Bavel

173. Work of Elkanah

181. Torah Names

187. Nothing New Under the Sun

217. Symbolism of World

219. Don’t Sell Out

229. David and Jerusalem

292. Esav and His World

296. Stones into Diamonds

310. Two Worlds

316. The Righteous Rich

415. Do Not Be an Orphan

491. I Created All of Them for You

510. Hiding in the Garden

545. Individuals and Nations

564. Building Stones of History

573. Mind Verses Senses

606. Torah Models for Eternity

642. Unknown Heroes

724. Who Are Your Friends?

725. Plans within Plans

746. These Are the Journeys of the Sons of Israel

759. The Blessed Curse

783. With The Torah People

811. It Will Be Good For You

822. Hashem Sanitizes the World

850. Errors of Esav

913. Glimpses of the Truth

922. Prophecy of Bilam

981. What Is Important

997. The Best Survive

999. The Fifth Commandment

E-5. The Zealot

E-39.To Live Long

E-42. Robes of Splendor

E-58. Wealth of Choices

E-59. Song of the Well

E-66. Our Father and Mother

E-68. Happiest Era

E-127. The World Prepares for Avraham

E-151. When Meshiach Comes

E-192. Deep Truths in a Shallow World



68. Hespedim on Rabbi Miller Zt"l

Hespedim in Monsey.mp3

Rabbi Aryeh Mintz.mp3

Rabbi Eliyahu Brog.mp3

Rabbi Shmuel Miller.mp3

Rabbi Yisroel Brog.mp3

Hespedim in Eretz Yisroel.mp3




001 - לא כיזבו בו (תפלה בכונה)

002 - גירסא דינקותא

003 - בדרך שאדם רוצה לילך מוליכין אותו

004 - שלימות של עניות

005 - רצוננו לראות את מלכנו

006 - מפני מה בא ערב קודם לבוקר

007 - היסוד.mp3

008 - שכר מצוה

009 - חכמת הנפש בתורה

010 - גדולה דעה

011 - היוסר גוים הלא יוכיח

012 - בחירה

013 A - כוונת המצוות

013 B - תשובה - בכל לבבך

014 A - לרצות תשובה

014 B - עון עקבי יסובני

015 A - כתר דעה

015 B - כיצד מברכין

016 A - ברכת התורה

016 B - אדם המבקש

017 A - אליעזר-רעש של הלל

017 B - אליעזר

018 A - יעקב אבינו קונה שלימות

018 B - גירסא דינקותא

019 A - הגשמיות היא הרוחניות

019 B - להשמר מהזיק

020 A - אמונה חושית

020 B - בעת שועם אליו

021 A - ענוה

021 B - חסד השם

022 A - נגע צרעת בבית

022 B - כל האומר שירה בעוהז

023 A - נרגן

023 B - הבנה

024 A - יוצר אור

024 B - טוב להודות

025 A - ובחרת בחיים

025 B - פורים

026 A - כי ידעתיו

026 B - שלימות השלמים

027 A - לשעבד את שכלו

027 B - פותח את ידיך

028 A - קרבת אלקים

028 B - המתאבל על ירושלים

029 A - מצות הבחירה

029 B - שאיפה לגדלות

030 A - מדות

030 B - שבת

031 A - הרוצה תשובה

031 B - ראש השנה – יסוד התשובה

032 A - חביבים ישראל

032 B - ומצא חן

033 A - נסים

033 B - כמה גדולים נמוכי הרוח

034 A - נחפשה דרכינו

034 B - אילו ידע ראובן

035 A - אוהב עמו ישראל

035 B - זריזות

036 A - עבד השם

036 B - נרגנות

038 A - לב טוב

038 B - ברא לעשות

039 A - טוב להודות

039 B - אמת

040 A - אמונה

040 B - קבלת התורה

041 A - מדרגות האמונה

041 A - קבלת התורה

041 B - כניעה

042 A - הכל עשה שייראו מלפניו

042 B - כי חפץ חסד הוא

043 A - אמונה בתפלה

043 B - ברכת התורה

044 A - הדבק בחכמים

044 B - תוכחה בתנך

045 A - החיוב להתגדר

045 B - לשעבד השכל לתורה

046 A - בין אדם לחבירו

046 B - אמונה

047 - מדות

047 B - שלימות

048 A - ביקוש האמת

048 B - להכיר את עצמו

049 A - שבת

049 B - ישרים דרכי השם

050 A - האור

050 B - כבוד האדם

051 A - גברא דמסתפינא מיניה

051 B - דוד עבדי

052 A - חקר גדולתו

052 B - פחד ה

053 A - מקצת תשובה

053 B - ובחרת בחיים

054 A - אברהם ומלכי צדק

054 B - כלי מפואר

055 A - הוא הווה

055 B - אליעזר

057 A - הקדמה לאהבת ה

057 B - עורה כבודי

058 A - ראש השנה

058 B - מצות הבחירה

059 A - רמבם הלכות תשובה

059 B - יראת העונש

060 A - הבריאה מעידה

060 B - גדולתו וענתנותו

061 A - מדריגת תפלה

061 B - מתן תורה

062 A - אמונה חושית

062 B - ויסע לוט

063 A - ביטול השלימות

063 B - אולת אדם

064 A - חופש הבחירה

064 B - ויבז עשיו

065 A - יב שבטים

065 B - כח הרצון

066 A - כל האומר שירה

066 B - דרך חיים

067 A - החשק לעשות

067 B - לתקן עולם

068 A - יצר הרע

068 B - ראש חודש

069 A - תהלה ליריאך

069 B - תוכחה ונבואה

070 A - עולם חסד

070 B - שלימות לשלמים

071 A - ת_ח עשרם של ישראל

071 B - נס פורים

072 A - מפלתם של רשעים

072 B - עשיו

073 A - אוילים יליץ אשם

073 B - ימי קדם

074 A - עבודה בגן עדן

074 B - ידור במקום רבו

075 A - שומר אמונים

075 B - צלם אלקים

076 A - שמחת השלימות

076 B - מתחסד עם קונו

077 A - ענוה

077 B - המבזה את הבגדים

078 A - אליעזר

078 B - ריב לא לו

079 A - יושב בסתר

079 B - נצחיות המעשים

080 A - בהירת הדעת

080 B - רבת את ריבם

081 A - נצור לבך

082 A - בעת שועם אליו

082 B - עולם נעלם

083 A - בכל לבבך

083 B - גאותם של ישראל

084 A - חשכת עוה_ז

084 B - יום צום

085 A - כי חפץ חסד

085 B - למנות ימינו

086 A - שתי תורות

086 B - לבכות על העבר

087 A - לא נברא אלא להתענג

087 B - שומר אמונים

088 A - ליצנות

088 B - תבלין של תורה

089 A - קדושים תהיו

089 B - קין-למה למה

090 A - נצור לבך

090 B - יוצר אור

091 A - יפה את

091 B - חס על חייו

092 A - לפיכך הרבה להם תורה

092 B - עיניך יונים

093 A -דעת אלקים

093 B - להחזיק בדרכו עד ערב

094 A - ה מלך

095 A - לכל זמן

095 B - מחבבין את הצרות

096 A - מדות בין אדם למקום

096 A - שהבדילנו מן הטועים

098 A - מורא רבו

098 B - גאה גאה

099 A - והייתם נקיים

099 B - בעבור שמך

100 A - והיה נכון

100 B - אמונה חושית

101 A - אברהם אבינו

101 B - יהודים

102 A - וידוי

102 B - עשיו

103 A - תקוות העתיד

103 B - הבדלה

104 A - אחריות של בחירה

104 B - תהלת ה

105 A - אל תצדק הרבה

105 B - שלימות

106 A - לידע ולהאמין

106 B - צלם אלקים

107 A - עולם הבא

107 B - נסיון המדות

108 A - פחדך

108 B - חשבון הדיבור

109 A - בחירה

109 B - בכל לבבך

110 A יסורים

110 B - זכרה ירושלים

111 A - סברא תורנית

112 A - ובחרו באשר חפצתי

112 B - ארבעה שנכנסו לפרדס

113 A - יב שבטים

113 B - בין צדיק לרשע

114 A - בעיני הבריות

114 B - שלא ברכו בתורה תחלה

115 A - והלכת בדרכיו

115 B - צלם אלוקים

116 A - נתתי מצרים כפרך

116 B - עבד ה במדות

117 A - מהותו של נס

117 B - לשכני בתוכם

118 A - עלי מתוך שמחה

118 B - ערום ביראה

119 A - ה מלך

119 B - קרח

120 A - ר אלעזר בן ערך

120 B - יצרא דעבודה זרה

121 A - בטחון

121 B - ראה בעיניך

122 A - שירת מלאכים

122 B - משלים

123 A - ויחרד יצחק

123 B - גדול שימושה

124 A - למצוא חן בעיניו

124 B - בוצע ברך

125 A - זכר רב טובך

125 B - בחירה

126 A - איש לפי מהללו

126 B - עבודת ההודאה

127 A - גילו ברעדה

127 B - והנה טוב מאוד

128 A - נחפשה דרכינו

129 A - לחם אבירים

129 B - עולם חסד

130 A - ושכנתי בתוכם

130 B - מי מנה עפר יעקב

131 A - פורעניות הרשעים

131 B - יקראוהו באמת

132 A - גן עדן

132 B - בחירה

133 A - ויהי ערב

133 B - יהודי

134 A - מי יתן לבבם זה

134 B - גדרי התפלה

135 A - ג עזים הם

135 B - בלת התורה

136 A - לתקן עולם

136 B - יהי אור

137 A - בכל לבבכם

137 B - דעת עליון

138 A - שומר נאמן

138 B - מאי דעלך סנאי

139 A - נס וטבע

139 B - יוצר אור

140 A - גם הנפש לא תמלא

140 B - ציורי דעת

141 A - אסרו חג

141 B - להכיר מה שיש לנו

142 A - בראשית

142 B - כי חפץ חסד הוא

143 A - כדי להרגיש את העזרה

143 B - והנחש היה ערום

144 A - התהלך לפני והיה תמים

144 B - בו תדבק

145 A - ותעל שועתם

145 B - פסל מיכה

146 A - ורב יעבוד צעיר

146 B - בעת שועם אליו

147 A - ויהי בנסוע הארון

147 B - להכיר את עצמו

148 - כוונת המצוות

149 A - יקדים תפלה לצרה

149 B - נשא את ראש

150 A - רבת את ריבם

150 B - יסורים

151 A - קרבת ה_, שני אופנים

151 B - בוצע ברך

152 A - איש כל הישר בעיניו

152 B - אחכה לו

153 A - אמר רחמנא

153 B - לעשות רצונך

154 A - תורת הלב

154 B - לב טוב

155 A - להתענג על ה

155 B - כי חסד חפצתי

156 A - אסרו חג

156 B - שמח בחלקו

157 A - לתת לפתאים ערמה

157 B - שבת מקור הברכה

158 A - יודע את רבונו

158 B - העולם הזה

159 A - תרועת מלך

159 B - להשתבח בתהלתך

161 - שלא לשמה – הכיר את בוראו

162 - ובחרת בחיים – כל לעולם חסדו

163 - שיר השירים, קודש קדשים

164 - צמצום הבחירה – נסיונות

165 - אוהב עמו ישראל – גיא חנם

166 - בשביל ישראל – אשרי יושבי

167 - סדר – תוכחות הנביאים

168 - רודף אחר שלימות – ביתם של אבות

169 - שט את הבכורה – בתוך בני ישראל

170 - 'יהושע א

171 - 'יהושע ב

174 - 'שופטים ב

175 - 'שופטים ג

180 - שמח בחלקו – ולשמחה מה זו עושה

182 - להסיר מסך הסכלות – לא ניגע לריק

183 - אהבת ה' – מעודד ענוים

184 - קבלת התורה – בחירה

185 - שכר מצוה, מצוה – תדשא הארץ

186 - ויקן לעשות ענוים – תנה לבך לי

187 - אימת הדין – בין אדם לחבירו

188 - תיקון האומה – הביאו עלי כפרה

189 - מידות בין אדם למקום – חיי עולם נטע בתוכנו

190 - שכר מצוה בהאי עלמא – ובו תדבק

191 - ויבז עשו את הבכורה – והם ידעו את דרכי

192 - וגדולתך אספרנה – לכל אשר יקראוהו באמת

193 A - מי האיש החפץ חיים

193 B - צלם אלקים

194 A - נתת לנו שנה טובה

194 B - שובה ישראל

195 - כי טוב – אברהם אבינו

196 - יעקב אבינו – למנות ימינו

197 - תורת אברהם – יעקב ועשו

198 - קרבנות – מחמדינו מימי קדם

199 - אשר יקראוהו באמת – כל עניני העולם נסיונות

200 - בל למד צדק – חובת כל היצורים

201 A - דוחק רגלי השכינה

201 B - חסד של שמחה

202 - ברומו של עולם – תועלת הדיבור

203 A - אסרו חג

203 B - ידיעות החודש

204 A - עבודת הודאה

204 B - אשריך ישראל

205 A - עולם הבא

205 B - בכל לבבך

206 - ובורא את הכל – בקשו פני

207 - גירסא דינקותא – לצעוד הלאה ממה שהוא

208 - עדות – עולמך תראה בחייך

209 - בחירה – לה' הארץ

210 - עול מלכות שמים – טוב להודות

211 - התעוררות השכל – וגדולתך אספרנה

212 - החסידות האמיתי – בין אדם לחבירו

213 - זכר רב טובך – מלביש ערומים

214 - זכר רב טובך – מלביש ערומים

חורבן אייראפא.mp3

mp3.ועד 1

mp3.ועד 2




E- Books

Pdf Editions

The Megillos.pdf

The Secret to Happiness.pdf

The Truth of the Torah.pdf

Wise Woman.pdf

A Divine Madness 2nd Ed.pdf

Ask Rabbi Miller.pdf

Asking Hashem.pdf

Birchas Avigdor.pdf

Bread of Affliction.pdf

Career of Happiness 2nd Ed.pdf

Climb the Ladder — Emunah, Bitachon & More.pdf

Climb the Ladder.pdf

Esther's Secret.pdf

Eternal Nachas.pdf


Five Minutes A Day.pdf

Forever -- From this World to the Next.pdf

Fragrance of Life.pdf

Gems from Shir Hashirim II--Most Beautiful of Nations.pdf

Gems from Shir Hashirim.pdf

Gems from the Hagadah.pdf

GFH Morning Brachos.pdf

Gifts From Hashem.pdf

Hespedim Index.pdf

Judaism Q&A.pdf

Mareh Makom Index.pdf

Miracles Everywhere!.pdf

Most Beautiful Nation.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Hakdama 2nd Ed.pdf

Ohr Avigdor HaKeniah.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Mesillas Yesharim vol 1.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Mesillas Yesharim vol 2.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Mesillas Yesharim vol 3.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Mesillas Yesharim vol 4.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Shaar Avodas Elokim.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Shaar Bechina.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Shaar Bitachon (2nd edition).pdf

Ohr Avigdor Shaar Bitachon.pdf

Ohr Avigdor Yichud Hamaaseh.pdf

Perfection in Marriage.pdf

Rabbi Miller Sifrei Kodesh Index Apr 21.pdf

Repenting In Happiness.pdf

SimchaMinute 2.pdf


Tefilas Avigdor (2nd edition).pdf



ePub Editions

Asking Hashem.epub

Bread of Affliction.epub

Career of Happiness 2nd Ed.epub

Climb the Ladder -- Emunah, Bitachon, & More.epub

Esther's Secret.epub

Eternal Nachas.epub



Gems from Shir Hashirim.epub

Gems from the Hagadah.epub

Judaism Q&A.epub

Most Beautiful Nation.epub

Perfection in Marriage.epub

Repenting In Happiness.epub

The Fragrance of Life.epub

The Truth of the Torah.epub

A Divine Madness.epub

Ask Rabbi Miller.epub